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最近很喜歡Mother Teresa的一段話



(photo by ブチ子, 寫真部)


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“Until you have the inner discipline that brings calmness of mind, external facilities and conditions will never bring the joy and happiness you seek. On the other hand, if you possess this inner quality, calmness of mind, a degree of stability within, even if you lack the various external factors that you would normally require to be happy, it will still be possible to live a happy and joyful life.”--Dalai Lama



直到內心真正平靜之前 外力是無法帶給你所希望的快樂的

但是如果內心已經平靜 即使沒有外力 你也會是快樂的

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“The practice of altruism is the authentic way to live as a human being, and it is not just for religious people.
As human beings, our purpose is to live meaningful lives, to develop a warm heart.

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"Rules for Happiness:
something to do,
someone to love,
something to hope for."

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